On-line Poetry Magazines Literature Sites


Where possible the host country of the ezine will be shown by a code following the entry.

This is not meant to limit the possibility of submission as all magazines shown here accept submissions from around the world unless otherwise stated.


192  A literary magazine

2 River View    Since 1996, 2River has been a site of poetry, art, and theory, quarterly publishing The 2River View, and occasionally publishing individual authors in the 2River Chapbook Series submission guidelines. (US)

3am Magazine.com  Reading periods apply, check website for details.  (US)

5x5 Literary Magazine      (US)
Abyss and Apex  Science fiction poetry (US)
Able Muse   print and online content (US)
Acentos review   Latino writers (US)
Across the Margin  (US)
Adirondack Review       (US)
Adroit Journal  Check if open for submissions  (US)
After the Pause  US)
AGNI Online  Online extension of the print journal  (US)
Alba - a journal of short poetry. poetry 12 lines or less. (US)

A Little Poetry - ezine that includes a place for poets to store their own pages. (US)

Ariel Chart  International literary journal   (US)

Atrium     Aims to publish a new poem twice a week, on Tuesdays and Fridays. (GB)

Avatar Review.    Published annually submitions Oct to Dec.  (US)

Backrooms Review Six times annually    (Canada)

Bangor Literary Journal   Northern Irland Literary Journal,   Poetry, Flash Fiction, Art and Photography (GB)

Beltway - Poetry quarterly - (USA)

Bewildering Stories  Also publishes poetry  (USA)

Big Bridge - ezine of Big Bridge Press  Editor: Michael Rothenberg (USA)

Bindweed  Magazine  Belfast  (UK)
Blackbird  Check website for reading periods  (US)
Blackbox Manifold for innovative poetry with 'prose, narrative, or sequences in its sights.   (UK) 
Blackmail Press   (NZ)

BlazeVOX 2K4    Post Avant Poetries and Fiction.   (USA) 

Bluepepper  (Australia)
BMP Press - New Zeeland on-line mag encourages local as well as international submissions. (New Zeeland)

Cha - dedicated to publishing English literature from and about Asia.  Means of Submission: submissions@asiancha.com   (China)

Chestnut Review  four times yearly, paid market some free submissions. (USA)

The Compass no new posts  (UK) 

The Cortland Review An Online Literary Quarterly in RealAudio™ with monthly features and interviews. (USA)

Eclectica - Quarterly - guidelines (USA)

Empty Mirror  A quality online magazine (USA)
Eunoia Review.   posts new poetry daily (USA)

Failbetter.com - Stanford University based literary ezine. (USA)

FlashPoint. no post for a long time (USA)

Football Poets    Poems about football  (UK)

Frigg Magazine A magazine of fiction and poetry. Edited by Ellen Parker. Email subs accepted. (USA)  

Ginosko Literary Journal -  short run print magazine in San Fransisco area posted as an emag.   (USA)

the great gromboolian plain  no new posts for a long time  (UK)

Gyroscope Review     Check website for submission periods (USA)
h&  An occasional journal of visual/concrete poetry (Can)

Hamilton Stone Review - An excellent magazine. (USA)

Heron's Nest (The) - Haiku journal. March, June, September, and December each year. (USA)

The High Window,   quarterly online poetry journal (UK)

K'in Literary Journal   Interested in voices from marginalized and underrepresented communities. (USA)

KUDU A Journal Of South African Writing.biannual literary journal devoted to the creative work of South Africans:  (South Africa)

Lighten up online - Light verse      (UK)

Littoral Magazine - Nature and the Spirit - Unity in Diversity.  (UK)

Mad Swirl     (USA)

The Matador Review    unpublished literature written in the English language (and translations that are accompanied by the original text) as well as many forms of visual art.(USA)

Memorious: A Forum for New Verse and Poetics an online literary journal that can be found online at www.memorious.org

Molly Bloom  Poetry in the modernist tradition (UK)

MUDLARK An Electronic Journal of Poetry & Poetics. Never in and never out of print... E-mail: mudlark@unf.edu    (USA)

Neon -  formally Four Volts Magazine, publishes linguistically innovative poetry.   (UK)

The Northampton Poetry Review is a new online literary journal based in Northamptonshire, UK. Its mission is to give voice to new poetry, fiction and non-fiction. (UK)
Pedistal   (USA)

Poetry Daily - interviews, poems and general poetry information. (USA)

Poetry Breakfast - new poem every morning  (USA)

Poetry Super Highway  directory of poetry/writing related websites, aiming to expose as many people to as many other people's poetry as possible. (USA)

The Poetry Village is been publishing online twice a week.   (UK)

Poets' Graves - not a who's who but a who's buried where, put together by Cameron Self. (UK)

Pulsar Poetry Magazine   editor: David Pike     (UK)
Quarterly Literary Review Singapore   (Singapore)

Quill & Parchment  - A poetry magazine with some differences access by password from application on site. Sharmagne Leland-St. John Editor-in-Chief.    (USA)

The Racket  - A literary journal in San Francisco.  Open for submissions  (USA)

Rattle   Print magazine with some online content. (USA)

The Recusant - Editor Alan Morrison - Non-conformist poetry, prose, polemic, reviews, articles. The Recusant seeks to provide a home for contemporary writing that goes against the grain, in subject moreso than style. Socially-inclined work with a leftfield slant particularly welcome. Visit website for submission guidelines.   (UK)

Riggwelter      (UK)
Rock Paper Poem  https://rockpaperpoem.com/  (USA)
Runcible Spoon     Runcible Spoon is a webzine aimed at showcasing the best in contemporary poetry and prose. (UK)

Salt Magazine - John Kinsella’s Salt Magazine has been relaunched as a free online journal .  (UK)

Scarlet Leaf Review     (USA)
Seek Poetry Magazine  (UK)

Sentinel Poetry (online) ISSN 1479-425X Free-to-view Magazine monthly features poems, interviews, essays, competitions and links to great poetry sites. Published by Sentinel Poetry Movement since December 2002.  Editor: Nnorom Azuonye (UK)

Snakeskin - a nice looking site which claims to be "always looking for new work of quality."
Editor: George Simmers

Stride Magazine  (UK)

Stupid Poetry - comic verse website that accepts outside poetry contributions. Editor: Stephen Cree (UK)

Subtle Tea  Literary mag with interviews, reviews and poetry.  (USA)
Sugar Mule  Long standing mag, check reading dates.    (USA)
Tethers End,  literary magazine.   (UK)

The 2River View Editor: Richard Long rlong@2River.org (USA)

Three Drops Poetry   Myths and fairystories (UK)

Turbine -  New Zeeland on-Line literary journal published annually.   (New Zeeland)  (406)

TYPO - Well produced simple layout.     (USA)

Valparalso Poetry Review - Valparaiso Poetry Review presents poems, interviews, and essays by new, emerging, or well-known poets.  (USA)

Visual Verse   Poetry responding to a monthly prompt.  (UK)
Wanton Fuckery.Poetry  Regular site updates  (UK)
Why Vandalism  Monthly ezine.       (USA)

Ygdrasil, A Journal of the Poetic Arts is not so much an ezine as a magazine that publishes only via the internet, and is best read by downloading and printing. Submissions by e-mail are welcome to kgerken@synapse.net. Editor: Klaus Gerken (Canada)