Where possible the host country of the ezine will be shown by a code following the entry.
This is not meant to limit the possibility of submission as all magazines shown here accept submissions from around the world unless otherwise stated.
192 A literary magazine |
2 River View Since 1996, 2River has been a site of poetry, art, and theory, quarterly publishing The 2River View, and occasionally publishing individual authors in the 2River Chapbook Series. submission guidelines. (US) |
3am Magazine.com Reading periods apply, check website for details. (US) |
5x5 Literary Magazine (US) |
Abyss and Apex Science fiction poetry (US) |
Able Muse print and online content (US) |
Acentos review Latino writers (US) |
Across the Margin (US) |
Adirondack Review (US) |
Adroit Journal Check if open for submissions (US) |
After the Pause US) |
AGNI Online Online extension of the print journal (US) |
Alba - a journal of short poetry. poetry 12 lines or less. (US) |
A Little Poetry - ezine that includes a place for poets to store their own pages. (US) |
Ariel Chart International literary journal (US) |
Atrium Aims to publish a new poem twice a week, on Tuesdays and Fridays. (GB) |
Avatar Review. Published annually submitions Oct to Dec. (US) |
Backrooms Review Six times annually |
Bangor Literary Journal Northern Irland Literary Journal, Poetry, Flash Fiction, Art and Photography (GB) |
Beltway - Poetry quarterly - (USA) |
Bewildering Stories Also publishes poetry (USA) |
Big Bridge - ezine of Big Bridge Press Editor: Michael Rothenberg (USA) |
Bindweed Magazine Belfast (UK) |
Blackbird Check website for reading periods (US) |
Blackbox Manifold for innovative poetry with 'prose, narrative, or sequences in its sights. (UK) |
Blackmail Press (NZ) |
BlazeVOX 2K4 Post Avant Poetries and Fiction. (USA) |
Bluepepper (Australia) |
BMP Press - New Zeeland on-line mag encourages local as well as international submissions. (New Zeeland) |
Cha - dedicated to publishing English literature from and about Asia. Means of Submission: submissions@asiancha.com (China) |
Chestnut Review four times yearly, paid market some free submissions. (USA) |
The Cortland Review An Online Literary Quarterly in RealAudio™ with monthly features and interviews. (USA) |
Eclectica - Quarterly - guidelines (USA) |
Empty Mirror A quality online magazine (USA) |
Eunoia Review. posts new poetry daily (USA) |
Failbetter.com - Stanford University based literary ezine. (USA) |
FlashPoint. no post for a long time (USA) |
Football Poets
Poems about football
Frigg Magazine A magazine of fiction and poetry. Edited by Ellen Parker. Email subs accepted. (USA) |
Ginosko Literary Journal - short run print magazine in San Fransisco area posted as an emag. (USA) |
the great
gromboolian plain |
Gyroscope Review Check website for submission periods (USA) |
h& An occasional journal of visual/concrete poetry (Can) |
Hamilton Stone Review - An excellent magazine. (USA) |
Heron's Nest (The) - Haiku journal. March, June, September, and December each year. (USA) |
The High Window, quarterly online poetry journal (UK) |
K'in Literary Journal Interested in voices from marginalized and underrepresented communities. (USA) |
KUDU A Journal Of South African Writing.biannual literary journal devoted to the creative work of South Africans: (South Africa) |
Lighten up online - Light verse (UK) |
Littoral Magazine
- Nature and the Spirit - Unity in Diversity. |
Mad Swirl (USA) |
The Matador Review unpublished literature written in the English language (and translations that are accompanied by the original text) as well as many forms of visual art.(USA) |
Memorious: A Forum for New Verse and Poetics an online literary journal that can be found online at www.memorious.org. |
Molly Bloom Poetry in the modernist tradition (UK) |
MUDLARK An Electronic Journal of Poetry & Poetics. Never in and never out of print... E-mail: mudlark@unf.edu (USA) |
Neon - formally Four Volts Magazine, publishes linguistically innovative poetry. (UK) |
The Northampton Poetry Review is a new online literary journal based in Northamptonshire, UK. Its mission is to give voice to new poetry, fiction and non-fiction. (UK) |
Pedistal (USA) |
Poetry Daily - interviews, poems and general poetry information. (USA) |
Poetry Breakfast - new poem every morning. (USA) |
Poetry Super Highway directory of poetry/writing related websites, aiming to expose as many people to as many other people's poetry as possible. (USA) |
Poetry Village is been publishing online twice a week.
Poets' Graves - not a who's who but a who's buried where, put together by Cameron Self. (UK) |
Pulsar Poetry Magazine editor: David Pike (UK) |
Quarterly Literary Review Singapore (Singapore) |
Quill & Parchment - A poetry magazine with some differences access by password from application on site. Sharmagne Leland-St. John Editor-in-Chief. (USA) |
The Racket |
Rattle Print magazine with some online content. (USA) |
The Recusant - Editor Alan Morrison - Non-conformist poetry, prose, polemic, reviews, articles. The Recusant seeks to provide a home for contemporary writing that goes against the grain, in subject moreso than style. Socially-inclined work with a leftfield slant particularly welcome. Visit website for submission guidelines. (UK) |
Riggwelter (UK) |
Rock Paper Poem
https://rockpaperpoem.com/ |
Runcible Spoon Runcible Spoon is a webzine aimed at showcasing the best in contemporary poetry and prose. (UK) |
Salt Magazine - John Kinsella’s Salt Magazine has been relaunched as a free online journal . (UK) |
Scarlet Leaf Review (USA) |
Seek Poetry Magazine (UK) |
Sentinel Poetry (online) ISSN 1479-425X Free-to-view Magazine monthly features poems, interviews, essays, competitions and links to great poetry sites. Published by Sentinel Poetry Movement since December 2002. Editor: Nnorom Azuonye (UK) |
Snakeskin - a nice looking site which claims to be
"always looking for new work of quality." |
Stride Magazine (UK) |
Stupid Poetry - comic verse website that accepts outside poetry contributions. Editor: Stephen Cree (UK) |
Subtle Tea Literary mag with interviews, reviews and poetry. (USA) |
Sugar Mule Long standing mag, check reading dates. (USA) |
Tethers End, literary magazine. (UK) |
The 2River View Editor: Richard Long rlong@2River.org (USA) |
Three Drops Poetry Myths and fairystories (UK) |
Turbine - New Zeeland on-Line literary journal published annually. (New Zeeland) (406) |
TYPO - Well produced simple layout. (USA) |
Valparalso Poetry Review - Valparaiso Poetry Review presents poems, interviews, and essays by new, emerging, or well-known poets. (USA) |
Visual Verse Poetry responding to a monthly prompt. (UK) |
Wanton Fuckery.Poetry Regular site updates (UK) |
Why Vandalism Monthly ezine. (USA) |
Ygdrasil, A Journal of the Poetic Arts is not so much an ezine as a magazine that publishes only via the internet, and is best read by downloading and printing. Submissions by e-mail are welcome to kgerken@synapse.net. Editor: Klaus Gerken (Canada) |