English Language Poetry Magazines in India


Harvests of New Millennium - from Cyberwit the publishers of Taj Mahal Review  (see below) - www.cyberwit.net/
The Muse    a journal with an international readership.

Phenomenal Literature: A Global Journal Devoted to Language & Literature

Genre: Poetry, Fiction, Non-Fiction, Book Reviews & Interviews

Compensation: A copy of journal in which one�s piece is published

Chief Editor: Dr Vivekanand Jha


Associate Editor: Dr Rajnish Mishra


Address: Authorspress

Q-2A, Hauz Khas Enclave,

New Delhi � 110 016


Mobile no. +919818049852

Email: editor@phe

nomenalliterature.com or


Web: www.phenomenalliterature.com or


Reading Hour is a new bi-monthly print magazine launched in January 2011. The magazine focuses on short stories, poetry, essays, book reviews and more, primarily by freelance Indian authors. The content is fresh, unpublished and original work. The print version is sold on stands in India, while a pdf version is sent by email for those outside India.
Taj Mahal Review - www.cyberwit.net/  Cyberwit is for poets who want to publish their poetry. Our published Anthologies and Journal Taj Mahal Review have poems that are sensuous, picturesque and impassioned. The poems reveal a fine combination of human elements of romance and the mystic & everyday realities. Cyberwit has published a myriad of new poets, and an increasingly large number of collections of verse. The significance of Poetry has not declined, and the 21st century seems to be the Golden Era of English Poetry. The name of Cyberwit is known to readers in several countries.

VerbalArt: A Global Journal Devoted to Poets and Poetry

ISSN: 2347 - 632X

Genre: All about Poetry (Poems, interview with Poets, Critical or Research Article on poets or poetry, etc)

Compensation: A copy of journal in which one�s piece is published


Chief Editor: Dr Vivekanand Jha


Associate Editor: Dr Rajnish Mishra



Address: Authorspress

Q-2A, Hauz Khas Enclave,

New Delhi � 110 016


Mobile no. +919818049852

Email: editor@verbalart.in or


Web: www.verbalart.in or
