Poetry Print Magazines in Canada

Antigonish Review (Antigonish, NS)
A quarterly literary journal published by St. Francis Xavier University.
Arc (Ottawa, ON) http://www.arcpoetry.ca/
Poetry, reviews, essays
Axil Poetry and Art (http://axilpoetryart.com).

Axil Poetry and Art is a chronicle of the creativity and thought of young people. We publish writing, photos, art, film and music by persons under 25 years of age. Submissions are welcome from all over the world. 

Backrooms Review 



Cancelled, smeared, outcast due to unpopular opinions? Great. Backrooms Review features. Works that flirt with the otherwise unsympathetic and unacceptable. Featuring new and ancient artists alike. Created by "cancelled" poet and founding editor of Minola Review, Robin Richardson




Published 6 times annually 

Submissions to contact@robinrichardson.ca

Bywords Quarterly Journal c/o Department of English, University of Ottawa, 70 Laurier Street East, Ottawa, ON K1N 6N5
Managing Editor: Amanda Earl
Aims are to publish emerging and established poets who reside, study or work in Ottawa. Subscriptions CAN$2.00
For more information send email to
The Capilano Review   2055 Purcell Way, North Vancouver, B.C. V7J 3H5.
Phone: (604) 984-1712 e-mail:
"Since its inception in 1972, The Capilano Review has published some of the finest fiction, poetry, drama, and visual art in Canada and throughout the world. The magazine has been recognized for its superlative content by five National Magazine Awards, two Western Magazine Awards, and a citation from the Canadian Studies Association.  -

Contemporary Verse 2
502-100 Arthur Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3B 1H3

The Canadian journal of poetry and critical writing, CV2 publishes new poems from established and new writers from Canada and internationally.
phone: (204) 949-1365, www.contemporaryverse2.ca
Subscribe to Contemporary Verse 2 online.
Visit the web site http://www.contemporaryverse2.ca/
Event (New Westminster, BC)
Published by Douglas College.
Fiddlehead (Fredericton, New Brunswick)
Published by the University of New Brunswick. The Fiddlehead is open to good writing in English from all over the world, looking always for freshness and surprise. Work is read on an ongoing basis; acceptance is around 2% (we are, however, famous for our rejection notes).
FreeFall magazine
(ISSN 1203-9586),
founded 1990
published by the Alexandra Writers' Centre Society
For information: email or phone: 403-264-4730
A biannual 8 1/2-x 11-inch literary magazine purchases first North American serial rights

website;  http://www.freefallmagazine.ca

The Gig 109 Hounslow Ave., Willowdale, ON, M2N 2B1, Canada.
Nate Dorward
Devoted to new work from the U.S., Canada, the U.K. and Ireland. Unsolicited contributions are NOT currently required.
Subscriptions: $6.00 (Canadian) for a single issue; $15.00 Cdn for a subscription (3 issues); $10 an issue for institutional copies. Post is included in the above prices for within Canada; for the U.S., add $0.50 Cdn for each issue; for the U.K., add $1.00 for each issue. All payments must be in Canadian currency. Cheques and money orders must be made out to "Nate Dorward". Also available from
Peter Riley, at 27 Sturton St., Cambridge, CB1 2QG. (Fax: 01223 576422; email: priley@dircon.co.uk).
Grain Magazine Box 67, Saskatoon, SK S7K 3K1 Literary journal that features poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction from Canadian and international writers
grainmag@sasktel.net phone:(306)244-2828 fax:(306)244-0255 www.grainmagazine.ca
Grey Borders  PO Box 20016, Niagara Falls, Ontario L2E 7J3 or by email: editors@greyborders.com We want poetry, short fiction, essays and drama that challenge social norms. Please check website and on line guidelines.
Lantern Magazine
Editor: Devon Gallant 

Website: lanternmagazine.wordpress.com Contact: cactuspress@gmail.com

Submissions online through Submittable: https://lanternmagazine.submittable.com/submit

Genre: Poetry. Frequency: Weekly.

Lantern Magazine is Canada's first and only weekly print poetry journal. It is an experiment in poetry NOW! and seeks to publish the freshest and most contemporary poetry from both emerging and established writers from around the world. For more information visit: www.lanternmagazine.wordpress.com 

Malahat Review (Victoria, BC)http://web.uvic.ca/malahat/ Published by the University of Victoria. Published quarterly, it features contemporary Canadian and international works of poetry and fiction as well as reviews of recently published Canadian poetry, fiction and literary non-fiction.
The New Quarterly (Waterloo, ON)http://www.tnq.ca/ Publishes fiction, poetry, interviews, and talk about writing. Our mandate is to introduce a new generation of Canadian writers, to share our delight in a story well-told, and to take readers inside good writing.
Penetang Review   kevinhalligan49@gmail.com 

Penetang Review

Biannual poetry and prose photocopied zine. Themes: recovery and mental health. Seek poems, essays, stories, travelogs.

See fb page. Submit six poems to kevinhalligan49@gmail.com 

Or snailmail address on request.

Pine Magazine
Pine Magazine, 1554 Pembroke St.
Victoria, BC  V8R 1W2

Check before sending to them - website no longer working

Looking for subs that are urgent and honest.   Pays $30-$100 (CAN) per page

Email poetry subs to:  nick@pinemagazine.ca

Prairie Fire (Winnipeg, MB)
Poetry, fiction, reviews, articles.
Raddle Moon 518-350 East Second Ave, Vancouver, BC V5T 4R8 Canada. e-mail: clarkd@sfu.ca
Editor: Susan Clark
Website not working.  May have changed details. (706)
Raw NerVZ The Editor, 67 Court St., Aylmer, Canada J9H 4MI *
Room Magazine (Vancouver, BC)
Women's writing.
Seeds Hidden Brook Press, 412 - 701 King St. W. Tor., Ont., Can. M5V 2W7 (416) 504-3966 writers@pathcom.com
Richard M. Grove (Tai)
  Self publishing *
Stanzas c/o above/ground press, rr#1, Maxville, Ontario k0c 1t0 Canada
Editor: Rob McLennan
Currently seeking submissions of long poem/sequences for future issues. Send up to 26 pages, but as few as 8, on paper please, with s.a.s.e. Print run is 750 copies, distributed free. Payment in copies, (abt 40). Distributed nationally & into the USA & England. For sample issue send large s.a.s.e ( $.90 of stamps or 2 int reply coupons...) or 5 issues for $10 (payable to rob mclennan).
Transition Magazine Transition Magazine an annual publication of the Canadian Mental Health Association in Saskatchewan

2702 - 12th Avenue, Regina, SK S4T 1J2

Seeks unpublished short stories, postcard stories, prose poems, narrative and lyricalpoetry, creative non- fiction in the form of short memoirs, or personal essays that deal with characters/personae who and why people think and act and feel, within a redemptive  within a redemptive context. Payment: $15 per printed page; $25 for cover art.

New and emerging writers encouraged. Authors not accepted for publication receive short critique from Editor-in-chief, Byrna Barclay. Deadline: April 1, 2005. Submit manuscripts typewritten on one side of the page, double- spaced, with 2" margins to allow for editorial comments (plus SASE) to:
TRANSITION, 2702 - 12th Avenue, Regina, SK S4T 1J2.
Vallum Magazine


establishing this publication as one of the top poetry magazines in the country. The layout and design are fantastic, and the full-colour artwork is magnificent, both complementing the fabulous writing. a fabulous magazine, with the quality of a fine book." - WORD
National distribution in Canada and the US. Also interested in visual art (b/w or color), book reviews and essays on poetry.. No previously published work.
Wascana Review (Regina, SK)
Published by the University of Regina; poetry and fiction.
Wax Poetry and Art (http://waxpoetryart.com).

Wax Poetry and Art publishes Canadian writing, art, photography, music, spoken word, and film. We hope to create an experience that represents all Canadians, and we invite submissions from Canadian artists from all geographies and with all identities. Submissions are accepted from residents of Canada only.

"[Word]: A Journal of Canadian Poetry"
